Safe, secure, and simple storage
Rent secure, convenient, local self-storage
and commercial storage near you
Rent secure, convenient, local
self-storage and commercial storage
near you
Safe, secure, and simple storage
Rent secure, convenient self-storage located in your neighborhood
Explore self-storage
As seen on
As seen on
How it works

- Search by city name
- Click the listing that fits your needs
- Sign-up to put in a booking request
- Move-in!
- Sign-up to create a profile
- Click on your username then “add new listing”
- Answer a few questions to build your listing
- Click submit!

- Search by city name
- Click the listing that fits your needs
- Sign-up to put in a booking request
- Move-in!
- Sign-up to create a profile
- Click on your username then “add new listing”
- Answer a few questions to build your listing
- Click submit!
People love using PeerStorage!
People love using PeerStorage!
People love using PeerStorage!
PeerStorage for Local Business
We find and market commercial space for your business
PeerStorage for Local Business
We find and market commercial space for your business
Local Commercial Real Estate
PeerStorage provides the platform for Commercial real estate owners to maximize NOI
Local Commercial Real Estate
PeerStorage provides the platform for Commercial real estate owners to maximize NOI
Open Parking Lots
We work with car dealerships, semi-truck companies, construction companies, and shipping companies to get the space they need.
Open Parking Lots
We work with car dealerships, semi-truck companies, construction companies, and shipping companies to get the space they need.
Local Small Business
PeerStorage provides local small businesses with an affordable and convenient storage solution, helping them to save money and streamline their operations.
Local Small Business
PeerStorage provides local small businesses with an affordable and convenient storage solution, helping them to save money and streamline their operations.