How to create passive income from your home – The Ultimate Guide

How to create passive income from your home - The ultimate guide

Thinking of ways to earn extra money? Do you wish to not disturb your full-time employment regime? The good news is that there are many lucrative options for creating passive income online –all from the comfort of your home. 

We are going through a disturbing era of the ongoing pandemic. With disturbed economies and lifestyles throughout, it’s about time we seek innovative ideas to generate additional sources of income. Seeking in-house passive income generation ideas can help you go a long way toward increasing your net worth. Let us help you understand effective ways to create passive income from your home.

What is passive income?

Passive income is the money you earn without putting in much effort. Setting up a steady stream of passive income for yourself will increase your time to do the things you love without being stressed about money. However, it does not imply that you do not need to work on it every now and then. 

Most passive income streams require some initial investment of money, time, or other resources. They might also need some level of regular maintenance or monitoring to ensure things are on track. The best part is that you have several options to create sources of passive income to help you with extra earnings. 

The ultimate guide to creating passive income from the comfort of your own home. Top 9 ways to quickly generate income with your property and while living in your home. PeerStorage provides home owners with the opportunity to generate passive income from renting out unused space.

Ways to build passive income from your home

Generating passive income is practically everyone’s dream. Essentially, making money while having more free time. Who wouldn’t dream of lying on a hammock and making money without actually doing anything? However, short of coming into some financial windfall or inheritance, you are expected to work to generate a regular paycheck. 

Still, if you are innovative and ambitious, you can employ effective strategies to make money when you are not working. To understand what we mean, go through some of our valuable suggestions for creating passive income from your home:

1) Rent your free space for parking or self-storage

Storage turns out to be one of the most lucrative businesses in the United States. It’s also a cost-effective business when renting out your own free space in your home that you never use. It is estimated that you can easily earn $1 per square foot with minimal cost of utilities or maintenance. Renting out your free space for parking or self-storage is a lucrative way to earn extra income easily. 

There is no additional cost for the property owner with such a concept as far as security, heating, and power are concerned. The best way to rent out your space for parking or self-storage is by seeking professional help from a reliable service provider like PeerStorage

PeerStorage helps homeowners find and screen potential renters while allowing them to collect their monthly payments automatically, so you don’t need to stress about bugging your renter every month. PeerStorage is the perfect way to start generating income from something you already have and a significant opportunity to earn passive income on the go. 

The ultimate guide to creating passive income from the comfort of your own home. Top 9 ways to quickly generate income with your property and while living in your home. PeerStorage provides home owners with the opportunity to generate passive income from renting out unused space.

2) Advertise Your Car

Are you new to this concept? Several advertising firms pay you to advertise your car for them. You can earn extra income by running errands, commuting to work, and driving around with an advertisement on your vehicle. The challenge is to analyze the exact amount you will earn through the method, it’s based upon the size of the ad and how it’s advertised. However, people report making a few hundred dollars every month from these ads. 

If you’re an uber eats driver, uber driver, taxi driver, or have a long commute to work; this would be perfect for you! While you might initially appear naïve, it is still regarded as one of the best practices for earning extra money. 

If you’re driving your car regardless; why not make extra money to balance the amount you will be spending on gas? Once you have gone through the hassle of getting approval from the car companies, it can become an ongoing process –a great way to generate passive income. 

3) Become a virtual assistant

Another more straightforward way to make money from home is by helping others accomplish specific tasks by serving the role of a virtual assistant. Being a virtual assistant is a great, low-risk access point into the digital industry if you are organized and effectively manage busy schedules. You can efficiently perform a wide range of functions while serving as a remote worker –irrespective of your location.

It is pretty easy to find jobs online as a virtual assistant. You can come across several online job portals like Upwork,, and Indeed. You can search for already posted jobs on these portals while bidding for new ones. To be a successful virtual assistant, you should be fluent in communication and organizational skills. You might also need to possess specific software skills. 

The ultimate guide to creating passive income from the comfort of your own home. Top 9 ways to quickly generate income with your property and while living in your home. PeerStorage provides home owners with the opportunity to generate passive income from renting out unused space.

4) Trade cryptocurrency

This digital world that we live in keeps on evolving. You must have heard of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies at some point in your life. What appeared as a novelty in the past has eventually become a good source of passive income. A recent study report revealed that only 10 percent of individuals claimed that they preferred using cash over other modes of payments.

While cryptocurrency appears relatively new in the current era, it has still garnered immense popularity amongst newbie investors. Cryptocurrency options like Ethereum and Bitcoin might be the primary platforms. However, several other options are emerging as well. You can leverage the benefits of the ongoing boom in cryptocurrency by trading through various online portals. 

Cryptocurrencies are generated through long mathematical equations that take computing power to solve. In the crypto space, this is called “mining.” Download the code to mining Bitcoin, and run high-powered computers to generate Bitcoins that you can sell on the open market. All you need to do is purchase high-powered mining machines, apply power, and that’s it! This requires very little maintenance, but the rewards could be huge! 

9GPU Mining Rig Frame Bitcoin

There is one last way to make money from cryptocurrencies, and that’s called staking. Staking is lending out your coins to someone borrowing them to leverage their investments. They or the service will pay you interest on your staked tokens. If you have a significant investment in certain crypto like Bitcoin, the exchange will give you more bitcoin just for staking it on their exchange. Some people have generated thousands in cryptocurrencies just by staking. 

5) Build Sales Funnels

Every successful business features an automated sales funnel. Still, several companies are unaware of the overall power of an effective sales funnel. An effective sales funnel delivers automation in the entire sales process. They help you build a relationship with the targeted audience and develop a bond with the end consumers. You can come across a number of tools you can think of using for building the sales funnel. However, most of the world’s successful companies mostly create custom-coded funnels. 

Expert sales funnels mostly come with a type of free offer. These are also referred to as lead magnets. By imparting value in the lead magnet, you will be developing trust with the consumers. The next step involves coming across the self-liquidating offer.

While you are expected to consider several technical aspects as far as sales funnels are concerned, they could deliver optimum results in the long run when you start to understand them. It will help you scale your business by optimizing the conversion rate. Eventually, you can consider expanding your ad spend.

6) Start an E-commerce Site

There is no denying the fact that e-commerce is booming. While Amazon takes the e-commerce lead, consumers consider other e-commerce options whenever they come across some lucrative offer. There are several online marketers in the e-commerce space that use more innovative sales funnels and other optimization techniques to grab the target audience’s attention. 

The ultimate guide to creating passive income from the comfort of your own home. Top 9 ways to quickly generate income with your property and while living in your home. PeerStorage provides home owners with the opportunity to generate passive income from renting out unused space.

7) Start a Blog

Blogs turn out to be one of the fastest ways of earning a passive income. You can make extra money even when you are traveling. As you start a blog, you still need to put much effort and time towards reaping its benefits. 

Once your blog gets up & running, the process of earning extra income and scaling your business becomes simplified. All you are expected to do is produce good quality content while lining up additional offers. As your blog continues growing in popularity, you can look forward to attracting top talent for monetizing your blog even more. 

8) Opt for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another option that offers a low-friction start to your online journey. You need access to some specific target audience to promote particular products or services. With ample practice and experience, you can look forward to earning a good amount of money –right from the comfort of your home. Some products or services deliver higher earnings on a price-per-click (PPC) basis. 

This implies that you can easily make more significant profits by driving relevant traffic to specialized offers when you follow the correct methods. The only key is to target the right interests. You can come across lucrative affiliate marketing offers on different portals. Look for the right offer and make sure that you target the right audience. Always make it a point never to spam people. Conduct your business ethically.

9) Create a Dedicated Online Course

Another popular way to earn passive income is by creating dedicated audio or online video courses. Courses can be distributed and then sold through leading sites like Coursera, Udemy, and SkillShare

There is also the presence of a freemium model. It allows you to build free content and then charge for delivering detailed information to those who wish to know more. An online course can help in providing an excellent opportunity to generate additional income. This is because you will be making money quickly once the initial outlay of time passes.


The ultimate guide to creating passive income from the comfort of your own home. Top 9 ways to quickly generate income with your property and while living in your home. PeerStorage provides home owners with the opportunity to generate passive income from renting out unused space.


There are several lucrative ways of generating passive income even while sitting at your home. All you need to do is grab the right opportunity at the right time. Start with something quick, make sure you check out PeerStorage to start earning passive income in less than 10 minutes. You can get started listing your unused space faster than you can build an online course, become a virtual assistant, write a blog, and even build a sales funnel. PeerStorage is the quickest and easiest way to make an extra $1,000 per month.

Other storage resources:

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