Carbon Negative

How a Carbon-Negative Future Will Change the Storage Industry

How a Carbon-Negative Future Will Change the Storage Industry

The storage industry is not the most obvious example of a greenhouse gas emitter, but looking closer, we see that self-storage involves a variety of energy-intensive processes and that as the world transitions to a greener carbon-negative future, changing energy sources is going to ripple through the world of self-storage. This will produce changes that, […]

How the Self-Storage Industry Impacts The Environment

The self-storage industry negatively impacts the environment in many different ways. Continuously constructing self-storage facilities takes energy, time, and materials which has a devastating carbon footprint. As we continue to construct self-storage facilities, we continue to increase our carbon footprint. PeerStorage helps improve the environmental impact of self-storage by providing an opportunity for renters to […]

How Can Innovation in Self-Storage Help the Environment

Innovation in the self-storage industry? The self-storage industry hasn’t changed for over 50 years, PeerStorage is set to change how the self-storage industry negatively impacts the environment in many ways while also giving back to their community. Find out more about how you can join PeerStorage and be the change the self-storage industry needs! When […]


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